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I'm Lesley and I've been a crafter all my life. I discovered paper crafting about 30 years ago and this is now my great passion.

Monday 2 October 2023

13 Frights of Halloween 2023 no 11 - If the shoe fits

 Hi everyone,
I've nearly caught up with the blogs for all the projects of the 13 Frights of Halloween series.

For no 11,  I just had to include an earlier project of a Witch's shoe. Just because I could and I really loved making this.  It is a card with the hinge at the top. You can find detailed instructions of it here: https://www.blogger.com/u/1/blog/post/edit/7766950096330928378/6975984138364556891
or seasrch this blog for "shoe"

That's ll for this post. Only two more Frights to go! 

Bye for now,


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