About Me

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I'm Lesley and I've been a crafter all my life. I discovered paper crafting about 30 years ago and this is now my great passion.

Tuesday 24 August 2021

Exciting news

 I am thrilled to post that Craft Consortium have recently announced their new Design Team and guess what! I'm included. Here I am with my new Teamies. 

So look out for my new posts and catch me on Instagram and facebook too.

Here are my social links: 




I have already been  contributing to the CC Network page too and you might see some of my makes on the new lauches on Create and Craft TV soon too. 

Hope to see you all very soon


Christmas market from Craft Consortium

Sorry, I've been MIA lately but Ive been jet-setting off to my daughter in Australia, catching up with friends near Perth and popping in...