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I'm Lesley and I've been a crafter all my life. I discovered paper crafting about 30 years ago and this is now my great passion.

Thursday 30 September 2021

Two tents are better than one

Here is a Double Tent card made with the adorable Sandy Paws Collection by Craft Consortium. I fell in love with this collection before I even joined the DT. Who could fail to love these cute animals in a seaside setting? Living so close to the sea myself, this really appealed to me. 

I love easy designs that still have impact and I turn to this style time and time again. I like how it has plenty of room to write personal message inside.It is so quick and easy to make and is very economical on paper when matted and layered in my own favourite patchwork style.

You will need: 
       ·         card blank 5 ¾ x 5 ¾ (14.5cm) or cut one from A4 card (bought as 6” card blank!)
 ·         card blank 4 x 4 or cut one to 4 ¼ x 4 ¼ from card (see notes below)(10cm or 10.5cm)
      ·         topper at least 4” square or diameter (10cm)
·         scraps of design paper and contrasting paper to mat 

This design works well for circular or square toppers but today I have a square topper cut from 12 x 12 sheet of Sandy paws papers. This will fit exactly onto a premade 4” card blank or I could trim it and mat with the same contrasting paper onto a 4 ¼ “, which I decided to do.

To cut aperture:

If you have a square die 3 3/8 or 8.5cm cut this centrally into the card front, or use a scalpel or trimmer leaving a 1 1/8 or 3cm frame outside. Tip- this is exactly the width of my metal ruler. 

Cut strips of contrasting paper for mat layer 1” wide or 2.5 cm. I like a pinwheel effect like patchwork and cut them 4 1/2“ long (approx. 11.2 cm)

Check each side to ensure they fit and trim if necessary, before adhering, especially if you have die-cut the aperture.


Mat (and layer) the topper onto smaller card base ensuring it is tent fold. Place this centrally inside main card, lifting and checking all correct before adding glue. I use Collall wet glue here and don’t press down, lifting outer card to check it is straight from inside too. If desired, can add stamps to inside of card too.

VoilĂ !

Happy Crafting

Lesley xx

Craft Consortium Products used:
Sandy Paws Collection: topper from cut apart sheet 12 x 12 paper pad
backing papers from 6x6 paper pad

Credit: Iced images for original idea

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